Dollar Cost Averaging, consider it for Mining stocks
What is “Dollar Cost Averaging” and why does it work? By Bob Pellerin and K.C. Grainger, 1. The cyclical price action of the markets often brings many investments into a traditionally attractive buying range. During the downside moves, many stocks can be found selling at prices that have proven over the years to be excellent buying opportunities. The most successful investors make their commitments after a severe decline in the prices of these stocks while pessimism is still running high. Simply stated, they take advantage of the market’s cycles! 2. Dollar cost averaging is a method of investing equal amounts of money regularly and periodically over specific time periods (such as $2000 monthly for 12 months) in a particular investment(s) or generally buying more shares of the same stocks when they decline in price. By doing so, more shares are purchased when prices are low and fewer shares are purchased when prices are high. 3. Why it works? The primary benefit is to lower the average cost per share of the investment, giving the investor a lower average cost for the shares purchased over time. Investors should note that Junior small cap mining stocks have enormous price volatility both up and down, so if the fundamentals of a stock(s) still justify investment, it merits even more attention at the lower prices. It can very effective for the Junior mining stocks as stocks often lose […]