“It’s really happened, the robots have taken over investing/trading” by Graham Murray
The World of technology has changed. It’s ever evolving cycle has now in fact changed the World. I, for one try to embrace the advances which happen at an alarming rate. In my 50’s, the only disappointments I hold are the fact we are all not flying around like the Jetson’s, and 3D glasses at the movies still suck. It is imperative that we all try to keep up with these changes to remain competitive, and valid in our existence. Jobs, careers, and Industries have been streamlined and even wiped out, as we make way for the modern World. The technological revolution in the Capital Markets has been devastating. Much like automated tellers and checkout lanes, the roles of an Equity Trader have been surpassed by the abilities of intelligent mathematicians and their aptitude to apply their skills to take advantage of Markets with lightning quick speed. I use this only as an example because I am, or perhaps was an Equity Trader. Flash crashes are real-keep that in mind! The dependence of algorithmic programming on Trading desks has, and continues to reach ultimate capacity. To give credit where due, the individuals who create the programs have worked hard to achieve their goals, and in some ways have led to liquidity. Unfortunately, the “auto-pilot” use of program trading has brought us to an extremely unfair playing field for other investors. As I write this, all Major Markets have been reaching record highs on a daily basis. This […]