A Full Time Trader’s Outlook….

 These are  my observations. I use no science, no sophisticated mathematic equations, no ratio formulas. They are just my opinions as a Trader.
Current recap: Big Markets still bumping into new high territory. It’s a miracle, all things considered. Has nobody noticed the World is one big heated messe? (see what I did there?…look it up) The G-20 Power play is taking place in Hamburg Messe, represented by the greatest assortment of Bizarre leaders that Mis-fit Island would be classified as tier two, and a more appropriate locale to gather. Meanwhile a nutbar in North Korea plans his next missile launch. If you are a big picture looker, surely you can’t like what you see.
The commodities Markets have been pounded relentlessly. The Central Banksters have been supporting the almighty greenback, at the expense of the gold Market. Quite simply, they sell (artificial) paper to drive down the price of gold, decreasing it’s value, similar to shorting a stock. Paper vs. Gold….my money is on the heavyweight.  It’s not easy to pick a bottom, but at any moment there is the potential to completely turn this scenario on it’s ass.
Could a mis-guided missile be the pin that pricks the bubble? How about some lunatic taking a run at their current fearless leader. I don’t want any of these events to take place. I prefer World peace, but how do we get there? There may be a monumental event that takes us there. Let’s hope it’s not catastrophic. Eventually, cooler heads will prevail. When they do I suspect the Precious Metals Markets to benefit handsomely.
 I don’t like to make predictions but a 20-30% rise in the price of Gold is not out of the question by the end of this year. Combine that with a healthy correction in the big Markets and we may find ourselves at a far better place to reach fair value. Now may be the time to capture those % wins. Forget the Blue Chippers. The big wins could be found in Juniors.
The attached note is simply a capsule look at the way I see the Markets this week. I am a Trader, my outlook may, and will change. It may change tomorrow, it may not. It’s how I see it today. If I mention specific stocks, I am not recommending you invest in them. I mention them because I like them. Do your own due diligence. They may make a great investment. If you do like the idea, make them your idea before you buy them. That way, it’s your fault if you lose money.
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