$620 million last week, Insiders are very heavy sellers….

LATEST WEEK SHOWS:.….. $620 MILLION OF INSIDER SELLING  in U.S dollar value with slightly under $17 MILLION OF INSIDER BUYING of U.S. traded stocks. This confirms what we had reported here last week. That $620 million in sells ranks among the highest amount ever in one week. Companies do not enjoy seeing their insider sells reported. When was the last time you saw insider selling reported in a brokerage recommendation?

LAST WEEK’S MONTREALANALYST.COM REPORT: OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS HEAVY SELLING. Moreover, examine yourself what the officers and directors of many of these companies are doing with their own personally held shares; you will find that they are selling heavily with very little buying! Recent months have seen the largest amount of officers and directors selling their own personally owned shares in history.

*** Note that we are not suggesting that these “most informed of investors” (they work at these companies) are dumping all they own. They are obviously taking some money off the table as they do see risk. The public and the U.S. brokerage industry pay little attention to insider activity.

Years ago on a national television call in segment, I mentioned that insiders at an American company had been heavy sellers; two days later I was threatened with a lawsuit for defamation among other things. As they had been verified sellers, I was advised by lawyers to tell them to %&^*#%*. I cannot print the exact words here as this is a family column.