“A Late Summer Night’s Scream,” a Bear Market (this time it’s different…?)

The most important elements in our forecasts and outlook are cycles. The cycles that are now occurring and will occur shortly project a harsh bear market for the stock market and a strong bull market for many commodities. For gold, silver, copper and mining oriented stocks, those cycles are positive. The fact is that if the cycles are correct, from the stock markets current valuation levels, it would indicate severe downside risk in the industrial stock market. In the summer of 2008 I was doing research in Montreal and wrote “A Midsummer Night’s Scream” as numerous fundamental, technical and cyclical indicators gave strong indications that we were heading to a severe bear market in most asset classes. On our former Canaminvestor site I wrote that “we might see the largest decline in asset values that the world had ever seen”….. we did! We had that brutal decline and central bank money was “pumped in to save the world’s financial system or so they say. Starting in 2004, for four years I watched the impending disaster develop in businesses, real estate, stock markets and would speak regularly with investment professionals in Montréal, Quebec City and New York. During that time I would speak to a highly regarded writer who was commenting on spending, politics and economics in his syndicated newspaper columns. I phoned him on occasion to compliment the profound accuracy of his columns and would give him my views. In 2010, while driving in upstate New York near Montréal I […]

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Wow! It’s a “game changer” by Harold AGJ Davis, Winnipeg

   Calling something a “game changer” has become commonplace, even trite. However, what should we call a policy shift so profound that it could change the underlying assumptions of equity valuation models?   Without tracing America’s position in the world back to the creation and sponsorship of international institutions such as the IMF and World Bank seventy years ago, simply consider the expectations of corporate management since the collapse of the Berlin Wall.                                                                                                                                                                                                          The last three decades have been characterized by global free trade and the progressive harmonization of rules and regulations worldwide. The business model of the typical S+P 500 company has been that of a multi-national corporation headquartered in the United States.   American enterprise thrived abroad. Backed by diplomatic leadership and the largest military in the world, American political and strategic influence ensured the foreign acceptance and security of foreign subsidiaries and branch plants. The advantages and […]

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Examine all the evidence-not only what business television and the media report.  

There are several indicators that have in the past been accurate in warning of the severity of a looming bear markets. But more importantly when these indicators were at the same levels that are at today, brutal bear markets did follow. Ask yourself how many times this information has been mentioned on business television. The answer is “very very rarely.” It is always after the fact that they are discussed and probed. Why? Putting this informative and valid information out interferes with the volume of brokerage business! Advertisers, the publicly traded companies and funds do not want the investing public made aware of insiders “taking money off the table.” Brokerages do not need a decline in business volume. Last week’s selling by the officers and directors of THEIR OWN PERSONALLY HELD SHARES WAS ONE OF THE THREE HIGHEST WEEKLY AMOUNTS IN DOLLAR VALUE IN HISTORY.  They sold $611,182,948 worth of their own companies’ shares. Comparatively they bought a total of $38,996,025,  1/16th of the selling rate. Moreover, the value of all publicly traded American stocks is currently carrying a value of between 120% and 140% of United States Gross Domestic Product. (There is some double reporting and it is not quite clear). These are levels that have always been followed by bear markets. We are never advising investors to be out of the market; there are always numerous stocks that are significantly undervalued and we are regular bottom fishers. Our advice is to take some profits out of the market […]

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 From August 11, 2017 Canadianmineanalysis.com                                               LETS SEE WHAT HAPPENS NOW We were told of this devious bankster manipulative “scheme” right after it occurred and have no reason to dispute it. It fits the current gold situation and the evidence has been reported and remains ongoing right before our eyes. We have mentioned in the past that we were told that this Manipulation Scheme for Gold was planned and plotted three years ago in a large east coast American city. Yet, very few people are aware of this flagrant and ongoing manipulation or the 2014 bankster meeting itself.   When and what! At a confidential meeting in 2014, a group of major bankers plotted and resolved that the price of gold bullion should not sell above U.S. $1300 and “steps” would be taken whenever it approached that price. They certainly have taken those “steps” haven’t they?   Watching the specific gold sales being done recently on a major commodities exchange which are actually “paper sales” and not true gold bullion, one sees the manipulation first hand.  It is a high level contrived scheme to keep the price of gold down. One day recently, the sales were equal to approximately forty percent of world gold mine production. As I said “paper” it is. Heaven help the exchange if buyers demand their gold be delivered.   Other sites have reported […]

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Why most investors lose money in gold stocks….(from Canadianmineanalysis.com, August 4)

           ** It requires uncommon thinking and a different approach to invest successfully in gold stocks**    Time and again the majority of gold stock investors fail to  profit. That will continue over the next several years despite our forecast of a major bull market in gold stocks. However, even with gold moving to US $1500 or more which has been delayed due to major banks and brokerage houses’ manipulation, most investors will not be successful.  Yet some will realize large profits. That is the history of investing in gold and exploration stocks for the last forty five years.                          Here are some valid reasons for the lack of investing success The majority of investors become interested in gold stocks long after gold has moved up dramatically. They rarely invest in the stocks when they are selling at multi-year price lows. Yet, at the same time one can find that their managements are extremely large buyers. Their advantage is that they work at these same companies and are aware of the latest developments at their companies and in the mining industry.   The exceptional buying opportunities often occur when specific gold stocks are selling near multi-year price lows. When there is a “sale” on mining stocks and seemingly are being “given away,” few investors take advantage. Based on values and potential they are completely overlooked by all but a few. That is history.   Many investors wait […]

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Gold…the best time to invest? from www.Canadianmineanalysis.com site

| By KCGrainger |   Several very respected analysts have suggested that we are now in a period that will prove to be the “best time” ever to invest in gold stocks. We agree but want to add one point that few recognize or understand; there is no “best time” to invest for all gold amd silver stocks. Over the last three years we have recommended Canadian gold mining stocks that were literally being given away at distressed prices-actually “thrown away” by their frustrated shareholders.  Yet since then, some of our favorite recommendations had moves up of near 900% (Richmont, Niogold (taken over) Claude Resources (taken over). It certainly was the “best time” to invest in those specific companies right in the middle of a harsh bear market in gold. We find that the most favorable time to invest in gold stocks (after doing the necessary fundamental research) is when they are selling at major bottoms during brutal bear markets. Flagrant manipulation occurs regularly in the price of gold bullion which is then reflected in weak prices of mining shares. The manipulation scheme was fashioned by Central Banksters and major brokers in 2013-2014 to keep gold bullion under $1300 in U.S. dollars. It is advantageous for the Chinese as it permits an image of gold bullion weakness keep the price down while they accumulate gold at low prices. The manipulated trades are “paper” trades on the commodities exchange and not true bullion. Often the one day “paper trades” can represent equal to six months of […]

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A Full Time Trader’s Outlook….

   These are  my observations. I use no science, no sophisticated mathematic equations, no ratio formulas. They are just my opinions as a Trader. Current recap: Big Markets still bumping into new high territory. It’s a miracle, all things considered. Has nobody noticed the World is one big heated messe? (see what I did there?…look it up) The G-20 Power play is taking place in Hamburg Messe, represented by the greatest assortment of Bizarre leaders that Mis-fit Island would be classified as tier two, and a more appropriate locale to gather. Meanwhile a nutbar in North Korea plans his next missile launch. If you are a big picture looker, surely you can’t like what you see. The commodities Markets have been pounded relentlessly. The Central Banksters have been supporting the almighty greenback, at the expense of the gold Market. Quite simply, they sell (artificial) paper to drive down the price of gold, decreasing it’s value, similar to shorting a stock. Paper vs. Gold….my money is on the heavyweight.  It’s not easy to pick a bottom, but at any moment there is the potential to completely turn this scenario on it’s ass. Could a mis-guided missile be the pin that pricks the bubble? How about some lunatic taking a run at their current fearless leader. I don’t want any of these events to take place. I prefer World peace, but how do we get there? There may be a monumental event that takes us there. Let’s hope it’s not catastrophic. Eventually, […]

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WALL STREET ON PARADE…..A Citizen Guide to Wall Street

Our Montrealanalyst.com comment: “Wall Street On Parade” is a very informative site that brings out some very informative insights that too few people are aware of. “Why Wall Street Should Be Viewed as a Major National Threat”                                                                         By Pam Martens and Russ Martens,   The day before the 4th of July, when most Americans were hustling about preparing for family barbecues, the New York Times finally decided to publish an editorial warning about Wall Street’s potential threat to the nation. Unfortunately, it did so with the kind of timidity we see regularly from cowed or compromised Wall Street banking regulators. The editorial writers noted that: “It’s entirely possible that the system is more fragile than the Fed’s stress tests indicate,” and they called for “heightened vigilance of derivatives in particular” without providing any detailed data.  A more accurate assessment of the situation would have been this: There is only one industry in the United States that has twice in a period of less than 100 years brought about a devastating economic crisis in the country. Wild speculation coupled with poor regulation of mega Wall Street banks brought about the Great Depression in the 1930s, leading to massive job losses, bank failures, poverty and economic misery for tens of millions of innocent Americans. The precise […]

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 Stock Market Insiders, Gold, Central Banks

This is a “must invest “market? That is what we have today. The vast majority of the stock market’s volume is done by institutions and professional trading desks. They must participate and continue to invest despite overvalued prices. Yes, they must invest in order to compete.  If they do not perform to their clients’ satisfaction, the clients move their accounts to another money manager. Bottom line is that they cannot hold large cash positons and must invest …..despite very high prices. By avoiding what would be normal interim corrections of 15% to 25% over the last four years , the stock market has moved to a valuation level that every time in the past has been followed by a brutal bear market. The stock market is now carrying a value of approximately 140% of Gross Domestic Product….just as in 2000 and in 2007,  both times it led to brutal declines. Also,  the insider selling of the personal shares by the officers and directors (insiders) over the last year is near the highest selling rate in history. Last week saw over $428,000,000 of the officers and directors selling some of their personally owned shares in the companies where they work; it was nineteen times the amount the officers and directors bought of their own companies’ shares.  The world’s central banks have been buying stocks which until recently was not done. Since January 2017, they have bought approximately $1.3 TRILLION in publicly traded stocks. This is an enormous amount of buying power […]

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